

Monday 22 June 2015

Super Smash bros. 4 recent DLC and any possible upcoming DLC

As you guys may know, some recent add-ons where added to Super Smash Bros. 4 on June 14th this year. This DLC included Lucas from Earthbound and SSBB, Roy from Fire Emblem and SSBM, and Ryu from Super Street Fighter and is new to the SSB franchise. There where also two maps and nine mii skins added. The maps added where Dream Land from SSB64 and Suzaku Castle which is also new to the smash bros. franchise. The nine skins added where the Isabelle hat and outfit, The Heihachi wig and outfit, the Akira wig and outfit, the Jacky wig and outfit, the Zero helmet and armour, the MegaMan.EXE helmet and armour, the inkling wig and outfit and the inkling squid hat. All these add-ons where introduced at E3 2015 on June 14th this year. Mewtwo and other Mii skins where added earlier as well.

I am in love with the SSB franchise. It's my favourite series in the world and many others agree. After the release of these add-ons, many people all over the internet have been discussing any possible add-ons that may be coming soon. There was announcement at E3 saying that Hyrule Castle and Peach's Castle from SSB64 will be added at a later date but people are mostly discussing characters that may be added. Many people are hoping that older SSB characters like Wolf, Ice Climbers and Pichu may be added. I think wolf may be added but Ice Climbers and Pichu may not be. People also want new characters to be introduced. Some top picks where Bayonetta, Inkling, Banjo Kazooie and Shadow. When it comes to SSB4, I think Bayonetta has the best chance of getting into the game but the chance is still low. I don't think nintendo wants to add any new major characters. As for new SSB games, Bayonetta, Inkling and Shadow have very high chances but Banjo Kazooie does not. Bayonetta is a Wii U exclusive character so she has a very high chance. Inkling may not be added to SSB4 because the game Splatoon is very recent and there are inkling mii costumes but many people want them to be characters so they probably will be added in the next game. Banjo Kazooie, in my opinion, has no chance of being in this game or the next game. Banjo Kazooie is legally owned by Microsoft. Even though Microsoft is OK with Banjo being the next game, nintendo doesn't want Microsoft involved. Out of the characters that have a chance, Shadow has the least. He my be in the next game but not in this one because he already is an assist trophy. As for other characters people want in the game, I will mention that in a different post.

That's what I think of the SSB4 DLC. If you guys have anything to say, leave a comment below.

Thats it.


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