

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Youtube channel may be up

Hey guys, I have a youtube channel that I don't use that much but I have decided that I might start actually doing shit on the channel. But at the same time, I am one of the busy people so it may take me until summer or march break to start up the channel legit. Thank you guys for your support and I will see you again.


Sunday 16 February 2014

Doctor Who: The Time of the Doctor

Hi guys, on my last post you may have remembered that I mentioned that I will start reviewing TV shows and movies and comics and extra shit like that. Today I will be reviewing the last doctor who episode that aired called "the time of the doctor." If you haven't seen the episode yet, then don't read this. It was a very interesting episode. They brought in all of the enemies like the silence, weeping angels, daleks and cybermen. They put in a very interesting character named Tasha Lem who became a dalek but then was able to fight it off and no other person alive would be able to do that. You also get to see the first time that Clara interacts with a weeping angel but doesn't know what to do and she decided to touch and ended up in the same place of river song in the last episode of season 7 part 1. She also ruined 50 years for all of us. The doctor wasted up all of his regenerations and the only way he could regenerate again is if they say his name and Clara says that his name is the doctor, its what people across the universe know him by. It's not his real name, but it's his legit name so that was a real bummer. Her hair was also screwed up. I don't have much to say about the doctor because you guys probably know about him enough. It was a very good episode and it was sad that he had to die and become Peter Capaldi.

I would rate that episode a 9.5/10 because it was a very interesting episode filled with drama, action, adventure, comedy and a real great plot.


Friday 14 February 2014

happy valentines day

Hey guys, it's been a while since i've written something on this blog. I now wanna mention that I'm not going to just review games, I will do movies and TV shows. I will also talk about whats going on in my life or if there is like a celebration I will have a treat for you guys. Well right now, I'm still in school and today is valentines day and schools do milk it a lot and have like dances and some shit. They try and make the people without girlfriends or boyfriends feel bad. It's weird. And I should probably mention that I really, REALLY hate valentines day. It depresses me. Still I have got video games to play. So this is the first time that I'm going to give you a little treat. I just wanna say that those of you with girlfriends and boyfriends, have a happy valentines day and enjoy your time together and to those of you without girlfriends or boyfriends, there someone for everyone and if you don't want to be in a relationship then enjoy the time that you have left with the people you know and love

Happy Valentines Day ;)

- Thomas