

Saturday 7 December 2013

Battlefield 4: my favorite FPS in the world

Alright, I have been gaming for years and I was and still am a huge fan of FPS (first person shooter for the noobs who don't know what it means). I have been playing the C0D series for a very long time. Halo and Crisis not that much and I didn't play Battlefield 3 at all because I didn't have a console except for my wii (I was a nintendo gamer and I still am). Then in a place that no one new about called my house, I looked up the trailer of Battlefield 4 on this mystical website filled with videos and sometimes picture slides called youtube. I saw those videos where the guys where talking about how they played the game and it was pretty awesome how they did all these really cool kills and stuff. I go the game and I played it for 5 hours strait without even taking a break and for some reason the game didn't satisfy me fully until I realized that I could blow up stuff for shits and giggles and that made me feel a lot better. And I also loved the way that you could ride vehicles in 1st and 3rd person and how you could use turrets and so much other shit. After I realized this stuff I started to think how could I have played C0D when this series was in front of me so I took a vow never to play C0D unless its zombies XD. The gameplay is great, the graphics rule and there is no one that can stop me from playing the game.

I would rate this game a 9.5/10 because it is just to awesome and no game is perfect unless it had doctor pepper or doctor pepper machines.

Buy it, please, leave your home right now if you have the money and don't say a word. Just walk to the nearest Game store and buy it. Its just so @?&#ing awesome. 

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