

Saturday 9 November 2013

Black ops 1 and 2- which is better

Hi guys, me again. I haven't written any posts for sooooooo long but I'm back because I'm bored of jacking off to princess peach.

Anyways, I'm here 2 talk about which is better, Call of Duty, Black Ops 1 or 2 and I own both so this is going to be easy for me and some of other C0D fans. Well lets start with the campaigns. In black ops 1 the story was much better and it had some awesome plot twists like when Alex Mason thought that the guy he met from Vorkuda ( Victor Reznov ) was still alive through the whole game until Hudson tells Alex that Reznov died in Vorkuda. Also the texture of the game felt right to me. In black ops 2, they added many new things like choosing your class before the game and having a choice of what to do to see how the story plays out. But the story wasn't that good, i didn't like the texture as much as the first one and I didn't like how they had no twists in the story.

 The second thing that I wanted to talk about is the multiplayer. In black ops one I thought that the weapons and class making where a lot better because the texture and the power of the weapons felt right to me and they where much more fun to use. The bots and the online multiplayer was much better. In black ops 2 one thing I found much better was how you can have these things called wild cards that allow you to make your class a lot better like you can have a second primary weapon, a second lethal or additional perks aside from 3. BUT NOTHING ELSE!!! The multiplayer wasn't as good as the first.

And last but no least, READING RAINBOW!!!!!! JK its the zombies. In black ops 1 the zombies felt more like a story and in the maps there was so much to do. There's a map where you are literally in a space station. That map was one of the best, there were astronautes after you and while people would packapunch there would be runners, jumpers, astronautes and hellhounds after you. There are many more like this. In black ops 2 only 2 maps felt like it was a story and those maps where mob of the dead and origins and mob of the dead wasn't even that good. Origins was. The other maps would be survival or going through a fucking building.

Well now that I'm finished and you guys stopped watching Honny Boobo while jacking off to Dora the explora its time to rate them both.

Black ops 1, I would give it a 9 out of 10
and Black ops 2, I would give it a 7 out of 10.

both were good but 1 was better.

peace out. XD